Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Connor and Stacey Weekend Duty

Cuddy Weekend Practical

April 10,11,12, 2015

Stacey and Connor


            It was a good early Friday morning for Connor and Stacey to start off a wonderful weekend out at the Cuddy Gardens. The weekend started off by the students doing their CLT testing. The testing consisted of corrective pruning, and proper use of backpack blower and chainsaw equipment. Once the Training we started working on bringing the woody plants from poly house two out of the poly house and into the outside space. Stacey had a good pace of cleaning out the emerging weeds and leaves that had fallen off as the deciduous plants went dormant for the winter, while Connor placed the plants outside of the poly house. Removing all the access from around the plant helps decrease the chance of disease or pests to the plants.

                After all the testing from the day was done Stacey and Connor helped with the clean-up of the CLT testing stations and taking all the materials into the tool shed. Leaving out some of the equipment used in the testing to dry out over night before being able to put away.


 On Saturday Stacey and Conner were lucky enough to have the company of Justin out on the ground to help them along with the tasks to complete for the day. Students went back to the second poly house working on getting the rest of the woody plants ready for the growing season ahead. Sorting all the plants by plant name and facing all the label tags to the back of the pot for people to be able to see what the plant name is. Also sorting the deciduous plants away from the evergreen plants and spacing them for maximum growth. Also with the spacing leaving an aisle every forth row for workers and customers to walk down and access plants.

 Nearing the end of the day finally all of the weedy plants were out of the poly house and able to soak up some nice sunny rays on the two warm days had this weekend. Then Connor and Justin took down the poly covering the hoop house. Placing the wooden holders for the nails to keep the poly on the hoop house back behind the containers neatly stacked. The entire poly was taken away to be recycled. While this was going on Stacey was sweeping up the inside of the hoop house of all the leaves along the ground and underneath the perennial plants that where inside the hoop house. Also Stacey removed all of the bait traps out of the hoop house and got rid of any extra material still inside the trap

Another beautiful day for Stacey and Connor to finish off their practical session on the Sunday. Nice weather with a high reaching 17 degrees Celsius, perfect for the start of the growing season for the woody plants brought out of the hoop house. We started the day doing a little bit of construction. Placing some ledge stone underneath the picnic tables brought out to the Cuddy Gardens. These stones will help secure the tables and benches lay flat on the ground. After this was completed we went back to the hoop houses cleaning up the dead out of the perennials. Also watering the woody plants placed outside of the hoop house. As the lovely day continued on Stacey and Connor took the poly off of the third hoop house and bundled it up so it was ready to be recycled. Nearing the end of the day we placed some pylons by the front of the classroom to let students know of the path to take when coming in Monday morning. The coned off area is to help redirect away from the mucky, trampled turf.


Plant Profile

Muscari  armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth)
Bulbs, Perennials
USDA Hardiness Zone
7b - 8a
Canadian Hardiness Zone
RHS Hardiness Zone
Temperature (°C)
-35 ( -10)
Temperature (°F)
-30 - 15
15-30 cm
7-15 cm
Flowering Period
April, May

General Description : Small blooming bulb with narrow dark green, and panicles of violet flowers in grape like clusters.
ID characteristic: Vibrant violet colour, Petit size, grape like flower formation.
Propagation: Can be divided from offsets or grown from seed.  In optimal growing conditions it will self-seed, can be invasive.
Cultivation: Plant bulbs in fall, 3” down with 3” spacing. Keep soil moist in spring, decrease water as the plant begins to die back.
Pests:  No notable pests
Notable specimens:  A. M. Cuddy Gardens, Stathroy, Ontario, Canada
Canada Plants. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://www.canadaplants.ca/display.php?id=1221
Muscari armeniacum - Plant Finder. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=q880
PlantFiles: Grape Hyacinth. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/692/

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