Oct 14th,2012 Greenhouse Blog Josh T, Aaron S
The team arrived at the A.M Cuddy gardens on Friday October 12. Shortly after they arrived, they got their weekend briefing, including tasks that had to be completed during the weekend. Seeing as their group was the last one to do the practical at Cuddy’s they had a lot of work in and around the green house to complete. As usual the group picked the most time consuming tasks to complete first. The first task was to remove the shade cloth from the poly house and store it in the sea can. Next was to turn the electric blower fan off and deflate the poly, so that it would be easier to drape the white poly over the gable and around the hoops.
After the white poly was up and stapled the fan was then turned back on. the next job was then to pot up all of the Hemerocallis ‘Stella De Oro’ into 1 gallon pots, after all of the plants were potted they were then labeled by stapling the made up labels to the pot itself. Then they were placed inside the greenhouse. The next task was to cut the foliage back on the Sedums and divide their root balls. After the root balls were divided they were potted, labeled and placed inside the greenhouse similar to the Hemerocallis.
The next day was inventory day, all plants were counted ; classified by Genus, Species, Cultivar, Pot size and quantity. While one team member recorded information the other would sort through the plants. Relaying the information to the recorder.
The sedums were the next task to complete (described previously). After that was finished the team closed the greenhouse doors for the night to prevent frost damage to the plants. The next day the team cleaned up all pots and debris laying around the potting station. Then the team potted up the Iris and the Salix cutting into 1 gallon containers. The next thing on the list was to organize the floor space in the greenhouse, moving the Hemerocallis outside into the cold frame and the Iris into the greenhouse. Next all similar plants were moved into blocks so that they could receive the same culture. Next the plants were watered.
Finally a thorough cleaning of the greenhouse was completed and the doors were once again shut for the weekend to protect from frost damage.
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