May 19-22 at the Beautiful A.M. Cuddy Gardens
It has been a short week with the holiday Monday but busy
and productive none the less. We are quite excited for the Open Garden June 6th
and 7th as it is fast approaching.
Lucas has been working away in the patio garden. The pond
has been leaking so he drained it, cleaned it, figured where the leak has been
coming and fixed it by shifting rocks and resealing. Lucas also worked on putting a
splitter in so where the water comes up from the pump it will go in multiple
The iris border was tackled this week. As iris like conditions more on the dry side
and prefer their rhizomes close to the surface we do not add any mulch to this
bed. Unfortunately that means more weeds, however, they are easily taken care
of with a dutch hoe and rototiller.
Within the Iris border is a collection of Lilac, Kentucky Coffee Trees
and even Rhubarb. We cut out the flower stalks on the rhubarb to keep an
upright shape. If the flowers were to be left on the plant would become very
floppy. I harvested some small shoots of
the rhubarb and made a delicious apple rhubarb crisp!
In preparation of the open gardens plants have been added to
the dry garden, the alpine garden and the woodland garden. Some are annuals and
fillers, others replacements and required paper work to be filled out and plant
labels made as we are a botanical garden. Within the woodland garden a lot is happening.
Many native plants are blooming such as trillium, jack in the pulpit and May apple. Many ferns and hostas are growing on nicely.
We have been working
hard to have the grounds in tip top shape for the open gardens and are
excited to share our passion with you.