Prince of Burgundy Iris |
On Tuesday and Wednesday Dave and I were tasked with cleaning up the Iris bed along the front of the property, this included pulling and scraping weeds from the incredibly dry clay beds.
I was then sent off to the woodland garden with Lucas and shown how to (hopefully) encourage seeds on the Paw Paw trees.
Thursday I was shipped off to the greenhouse to help organize, weed and re-label plants for the plant sale coming up next Saturday and Sunday. I found it was a great opportunity to learn the botanical names as I went along with the new labels.
Thursday and Friday was a stark contrast to the previous two days, bundled up in our program sweaters and even winter jackets, this Rhododendron hides in the woodland garden but brightened my cool day.
Umbrella Magnolia Tree |
Rhododendron x 'Helsinki University' Helsinki University Finnish Rhododendron |
Azalea 'Northern Lights' Northern Lights Azalea |
Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' |
With something new in flower everyday I encourage everyone and their fellow garden lovers to join us at the open house next Saturday and Sunday, where there will be a great selection of plants for sale, tours and expert horticulturists' on hand for any advice you might be seeking. Look forward to seeing everyone there!