Saturday, August 18, 2012

  August 14, 2012 - August 17, 2012 (Tuesday - Friday)

    Nate, Stacy, Sijia and Ashly prepare for the upcoming Open Garden and Plant Sale this week with the beautiful weather! 
    Dead heading at Rose Garden and Perennial Border promotes plant new growths and makes them more enjoyable. Additionally, we did vertical edging along the main pathway which looks neat. On Thursday when Ashly came to join us, I (Sijia) had an amazing experience on driving mower. It's my first time on a machine and driving a mower is so cool that I don't want to get off it! I have to say everyone should try it since it's fairly easy to operate with! Moreover, because we keep weeding all the time, our work has obviously reduced the number of weeds, except the area behind the Iris Border. 
   This is my last week at Cuddy and the last two week of my Co-op job. A striking summer time I have never went through! See you at Cuddy! 
                                              An Amazing Plant: Brugmansia 'variegata'
                                               Lucas is teaching Sijia to operate the mower.
                                                            Nate cleans the pathways.
                                                          The beautiful Perennial Border
                                                                       The Rose Garden

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hey everyone! Nate Mckim here.
Another week at Cuddy's has gone by along with another series of tasks and challenges. With our second and final open garden/plant sale of the year (Aug 18th, mark it on your calender!) fast approaching we're all working away to make sure everything is in great shape for all of you to see.
Stacy was up from the collage to help this week and its been great having her. Along with the usual tasks completed every week, we've been systematically going from garden to garden weeding, pruning, clipping, dead heading, staking and whatever else is needed to give you guys the best garden viewing experience possible. Our curator, Jeff Simpson also finished catalouging and labeling the newly planted alpine garden! Jeff never gets enough credit on this blog but he should and we're lucky to have had him this summer!
Here's a few shots of some great stuff in bloom and some of this weeks work.

Phlox paniculata 'Shortwood' A great cultivar to try for mildew resistance 

Annual planters provide great summer interest!

A freshly weeded annual garden bed 

That's all for now! Hope to see everyone at the open garden on Aug 18th!

Friday, August 3, 2012

This week at Cuddys there has been a lot of general maintenance work happening to ensure the gardens stay  at their utmost beauty. I, Phyllis spent the majority of my week weeding and pruning while Nate got the lawn under control, cleaned up the hoop house and other odds and ends. Due to lack of rainfall some plants are looking a little dehydrated but we are being diligent about our watering especially going into the long weekend!
                 Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' is in full bloom just outside of the dry garden.
                  Hibiscus syriacus 'Chiffon Blue' also in bloom sporting a beautiful light purple.
           Our little frog friends seem to be raising their numbers as we find this little guy in the patio pond.