Blog Friday, October 14 – Sunday, October 16
Lexi Drenth and Brett Blakey
October 14th, 2016:
Today was a big day for all the
second year Horticulture students due to our first day of CLT Testing held at
Cuddy Gardens. The students got separated into two different groups; morning
and afternoon. Lexi and Brett were in the morning group so they could work in
the gardens after they were done. Due to the testing held here and there were
tests going on all day, we had to stay on one half of the house to not disturb
the other students. The tests that we had to do were Tree Planting &
Staking, Irrigation Repair &Adjustment, Basic Programming Control and the
Plant I.D. test. We all got separated into smaller groups so we could be done
with the time we had in the morning. For lunch, all students, judges and
teachers attended a lunch donated by Landscape Ontario. After we had our lunch,
Brett and Lexi were to meet Nate at the tool shed. Nate tried to go through all
of our weekend duty and orientation stuff, but it was difficult. He usually has
the classroom to show the students the alarm, but the afternoon students were
in the classroom and Nate, Brett and Lexi were not allowed to intervene with
the testing students. When they were done explaining, all three of them went to
go to work. Lexi got assigned to clean all the dry dirt off of trays, while
Brett and Nate brought the small succulents into the corner room of the house
for the winter. . There was a plant stand for as many as the little ones that
they could put on it. The trays that Lexi was cleaning were put under the rest
of them since the floor in that room is hard wood. After that task was
complete, Nate walked us through the dry garden to point out the tropical and
cactus plants that we needed to bring in this weekend. Then Nate showed us the
carport and patio plants that needed to be put in the pool room. Brett and Lexi
had a little time to spare, so they started to cut back the annuals in the
tropical planters by the carport. After they put all their tools away, they met
Nate at the classroom and he went through the whole house with them to show
everything that needs to be locked for setting the alarm. By the end, Brett and
Lexi were confident with all the stuff that needed to be put away or locked up.
October 15th, 2016:

On a very cold morning, Brett and
Lexi showed up at Cuddy Gardens at 7:40 A.M. Just after they got there, James
showed up to work as well. He was there to cut the turf. James unlocked
everything for all of them to enter the buildings. Brett and Lexi started off
the day with making a game plan of what was going to happen. They both wanted
to get the dry garden done as fast as possible. The dry garden had most cactus
plants in it. The plants were still in the pots which were just buried into the
ground with regular soil covering the pot. It was a difficult start to the day,
the first plant did not have a pot around the root ball, the second plants pot
was shattered when we dug into the soil around it and the third plant was just too heavy for
Brett and Lexi to lift it up so they got James to come and help. None of them
wanted to get any of the cactus needles poked at them, so they found an old
card board box to wrap around the plants when transporting.
Although, the box helped quite a bit, both Lexi and Brett got a couple puncture
wounds. A cactus fell on Lexi and when we were transporting one into the cactus
room, Brett backed up into one. There was one cactus that was really
tall and heavy, as they brought it into the room, they were both just focusing
on placing it properly and not dropping it, they forgot about the height. As
they put it down, a piece of that cactus broke off. We cleaned the cactus milk
from the plant. Then we decided that we did not want to waste it at all, so
they decided to let it dry out, than plant it in a pot of sandy soil. That took
up most of our day. We took the end of the day to clean up all our tools, and
start to clean up the house.
October 16th, 2016:

On a cloudy morning, they both
arrived early to work. With that short time, they decided how the day was going
to go since they were expecting rain in the early afternoon. They started off
at getting all the tools they needed out, than they went over to the
greenhouses and dug out those two cactus plants. While Brett was
blowing off the back patio and walk ways, Lexi started to put away the tropical
plants into the pool room. After Brett was finished, both Brett and Lexi went
out and raked the gravel and woodland paths (Figure 6). When they completed
that, Mr. Pascoe came in on the Saturday, and asked us if we could move all the
clay pots right up to the brick wall where a bench was. Mr. Pascoe
asked us to put the table, chairs and bench into the fire place room with the
tropical plants. After completing that, they both were putting away plants into
the pool room. It started to rain as they were just starting their lunch, so
after lunch they decided to stay inside and clean all the pots and floors and
write their blog. They knew the rain was not going to last for more than a
couple hours so it worked to their benefit to work on stuff inside while the
weather was gross. After the rain quit, they had two hours to try to put away the
rest of the tropical plants into the tool room.